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Intellectual property protection (IP) is very crucial when it comes to business owners, creatives, or any writers out there. I think IP serves as a vital need to succeed in a modern world where tech and innovations are emerging every day. Simply having a great idea is one thing, but claiming ownership of that idea is another. But the question is, how do you fully protect your created masterpiece? In this article, best practices for protecting your genius are explained. And not forget to mention the best security tracking tools. Do not hesitate to reach out to an IP specialist for further concerns about this topic.

Getting To Know the Types of Intellectual Property Assets

An IP asset is literally anything a person or an organization uses to earn value, which can be dreams, inventions, books, songs, or anything under the sun. It can also extend to marketing components like logos, trademarks, symbols, designs, and anything that helps in the promotion of commerce. There are different IP asset types which provide different kinds of protection

Here’s a few:

  • Patents: These are given to inventors for their inventions, whether it’s a product or a new and improved process. This, like most forms of intellectual property, is a limited right, meaning it has an expiry date after which it can be reused by everybody.
  • Copyrights: This law primarily grants the writer exclusive rights to decide how his work should be used, whether by reproduction, publication, performance, translation, or adaptation.
  • Trademarks: These are marks in the form of words, symbols, or designs that are unique to a particular person or business for the purpose of distinguishing their products or services from those of other businesses. A trademark offers the owner the exclusive right to use the mark in trade.
  • Trade Secrets: These involve any confidential information such as formulas, designs, processes, or a list of your customers that can be used to gain a competitive advantage over others in the market.
  • Industrial Designs: These cater to new and original features of a product in relation to its shape, configuration, pattern, or ornamentation applied to a manufactured article.
  • Plant Varieties: New varieties of plants bred by a plant breeder can be protected by the breeder’s rights.

7 Essential Tips to Protect Ownership of Intellectual Property

Proactive steps are required in an effort to protect intellectual property (IP) effectively. Here are some important tips to note:

Know the IP Geography: The ecosystem of IP is multi-faceted. Each creation has particular forms of protection, and as such, different types are available. Original work is under copyright, identifiers of a brand are under trademark, and inventions are patented. Nailing these distinctions is crucial in protecting your IP.

Maintain Diligent Records: Always keep a log of all materials/collateral relevant to the creative procedure. If you happen to get into a dispute, maintained notebooks, sketches, physical files, and dated records are great proof of ownership. Try also activity tracking technology and the best security tracking applications.

Exploit Your Works: Before any action is taken on creative works such as articles, videos, etc., have copyright registered with the competent authority. The document will enable the holder to legally act against any copy infringements and claim damages.

Trademark Your Brand Materials: Trademarks are powerful assets in the promotion of brands. An entity must mark its logo, slogan, and business name as a trademark. This will prevent anyone from having branding materials that are similar and are likely to damage the image of the entity.

Patents for New Ideas: If your invention is new and it’s also useful, then a patent is the best option. A patent gives the developer the sole power to produce, sell, and utilize the item for a particular duration. Due to the complexities that patenting brings, it is best to use a patent attorney.

Non-Disclosure Agreements: NDAs are required between parties in a joint venture. An NDA will ensure that confidential data, such as your intellectual property, will never get exposed.

Proactive IP Policing: Protecting your intellectual property is a constantly evolving challenge, with exposure and infringement threats popping up every minute. Using a SaaS tool like Controlio can be a game-changer for organizations and individuals seeking IP infringement protection and monitoring. It’s vital to stay on top of these threats and enforce the law when your IP is exploited without authorization. Want more details on how Controlio as a software application can help? This powerful app offers comprehensive features to safeguard your valuable assets.


Feeling safe to document and defend your work ensures that you harness the fullest potential of your creativity, which can lead to a desirable, successful outcome. Your work needs to be protected in today’s world, where competition is intense. Delegating some of the unwanted tasks and controlling who has access to your work should be done to enforce your position as an intellectual property owner. Please don’t forget that capturing ideas is one part of the entire project, and the chalked-out ideas need to be given form so that they can be utilized in the correct manner along the lines of being successful. An intellectual property specialist should always be consulted along the lines of these for the best advice, wherever and whenever it is needed.

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