Prerequisites for successfully digitizing your business processes

The digitization of business processes is at the top of the list of solutions for the successful digital transformation of your organization  ? Congratulations, you are already on the right track!But is your company , whether public or private, ready for this digitalization of processes ? Should you consider developing a bespoke solution?Take the highway of personalized answers by reading this article!

đź’ˇ Bonus: to deepen the question, we offer you our feedback in the form of a white paper : contact us to be notified as soon as it is released.

Give yourself a clear definition and identify the real issues.

The digitization of processes is defined by all the tools, methods, techniques and best practices used to reliably and securely optimize a series of recurring tasks in a work organization.The overall objective to be achieved for a public or private company: to become efficient.Let’s list the challenges of process digitization:Here’s something to help you streamline your thinking…

Consider your data from the modeling stage

Why integrate data when modeling business processes?Note: this approach obviously does not prevent keeping the data up to date over time.The objective is to properly identify the important data that must be restored at the output of a specific process.This offers several advantages:We often speak of electronic document management while forgetting this crucial notion of data, which must be brought to the fore.Do you not now observe the principle of digitalization of documentary processes from a more informed, enriched point of view?

Assess the potential for process automation

It all starts with the operational workflow of your business process : by modeling it and breaking it down into actions and successive steps, you identify the condition or conditions that trigger the next step linked to an action.

If an action or condition does not require human intervention, it should be automated.

With a view to optimizing performance ( Case Management ), we advise you to adopt a global approach to the digitization of operational processes , whether your processes are HR, banking, accounting, financial, industrial, or even relating to quality.The implementation of business process automation will thus be more optimal within your organization.Note: the implementation of solutions appropriate to the different trades is important, because their functionalities condition the efficiency of the processes…

Pay attention to the 4 unifying elements

A real process digitalization strategy is also based on 4 interrogative pillars:

Avoid dead ends

To digitize a process successfully , it is necessary to guard against obscure practices: forgetting data from the modeling stage multiplies the costs by two, for example.To think of digitization as a performance lever , another important question must be asked: should my processes be fixed or flexible?The only real right answer: it depends.Example where the process must provide flexibility: if a process requires many human interventions, such as the centralization of supporting documents and official administrative documents, and that it is too fixed by strict rules, the process is likely to be often blocked .

Example where the process must bring extreme rigor: a process of assembling aircraft parts in specific stages to meet global safety standards for passenger transport.

A digital process is ultimately a process capable of detecting bad habits or dangerous practices, in order to avoid them.

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